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What is PBIS?

Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) is a guiding philosophy for developing positive relationships in schools to provide the most efficient and effective academic and behavioral support for individual children. By establishing consistent and fair rules and routines, adjusting the physical environment to promote student learning, offering engaging lessons and keeping students involved in learning, and developing positive, caring relationships, teachers provide the best, safest, and most productive learning environments to all students.  PBIS does not mean there are not consequences for behavior; it means that HWES strives to have far more positive consequences for good behavior than negative consequences for poor behavior.

How does HWES reward PBIS behaviors?

Students who exhibit school-wide expectations and HWES Hero characteristics will receive Cape Cash.   Cape Cash may be accumulated to earn special individual or classroom rewards.   

What does PBIS look like, sound like and feel like?

We have adopted a unified set of school-wide rules and procedures for all areas of our school.  The "Be A Hero" motto is posted throughout all areas of our school.  It helps students remember our school-wide expectations so they can Believe in themselves, Grow, and Soar (what all heroes need to do to be successful).  Teachers model and teach the "Be A Hero" expectations to your child during the school year:

H - Hard-working
E - Empathetic 
R - Respectful
O - Open-Minded