HWES SIC School Improvement Council
Harbison West Elementary SIC
What is School Improvement Council (SIC)?
Key Points
- The School Improvement Council (SIC) serves as an advisory committee to a school's principal and faculty.
- Unlike PTA/Os and other voluntary school orgainizations, councils are mandated by law to exist in every public school in South Carolina.
- SICs play a key role in the education of our state's children, bringing together parents, educators, and community stakeholders to work collectively to improve their local schools.
- More than 16,000 people serve on SICs in South Carolina.
Key Functions
- SICs work with the school to develop and implement a five-year school improvement plan (school renewal plan).
- SICs monitor and evaluate success in reaching the plan's goals and objectives.
- SICs write an annual report to parents about the progress of the plan.
How Can I Serve?
- SIC elections must be held by October 15th each year. Some schools hold elections at the beginning of the year; others hold elections in late spring for the coming school year. Contact Dr. Thomas Turner, school principal at thturner@lexrich5.org for specific details about SIC elections and community member appointments at your school.
- Although you must be a member to vote on SIC matters, SIC meetings are open to all interested persons in the community. SICs also rely on volunteers from all parts of the community to carry out their activities.